For details on our curriculum, partnerships, grading system, and other academic policies, review the Academics section of our handbook.
Academic Supports
Teachers offer academic supports both during the school day and after school ends. Academic Supports will start after a few weeks into the 2023-2024 school year, so check back soon!
Library Media Center
Our Library Media center provides resources for research, reading and learning about current events.
Google Classroom
All teachers have created Google Classroom pages. Please log into your email address and visit Google Classroom in order to see your class pages. Lessons, assignments, and additional resources are available through Google Classroom. Check out our helpful Using Google Classroom guide.
Students will be able to see their progress on our standards through our competency based grading system, accessible on JumpRope. Please log in using your email address to see your progress. For more information about our grading system, check out our Grades, JumpRope, and Promotion guide.