Student Forms

Student Handbook Forms

Please sign the School Policy & Handbook Forms (including the locker form) once you have read through our School Handbook. 


Other forms can be filled out online on NYCSA. These online forms are replacing the paper versions we have distributed in previous years. Please complete these forms at the beginning of the school year.  If you have multiple children at HPCMS, please complete the form for each child. Here are the forms that are in the form section on NYCSA (see image 1)

All students must complete forms every year they are enrolled in HPCMS.

NYC Student Account Screenshots

HPCMS School Policy & Handbook Forms

Read through the family handbook and sign these forms. 

Family Income Application (Formerly Free Lunch Form) 

This application, formerly known as the School Meals application will open in the Summer.   Completion helps our school funded. 

Metrocard Form (Paper Version) 

This form is needed if a student needs a metrocard replaced.  More information on metrocards can be found in our handbook